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深度强化学习(DRL)使用多样化的非结构化数据,并使RL能够在高维环境中学习复杂的策略。基于自动驾驶汽车(AVS)的智能运输系统(ITS)为基于政策的DRL提供了绝佳的操场。深度学习体系结构解决了传统算法的计算挑战,同时帮助实现了AV的现实采用和部署。 AVS实施的主要挑战之一是,即使不是可靠和有效地管理的道路上的交通拥堵可能会加剧交通拥堵。考虑到每辆车的整体效果并使用高效和可靠的技术可以真正帮助优化交通流量管理和减少拥堵。为此,我们提出了一个智能的交通管制系统,该系统处理在交叉路口和交叉点后面的复杂交通拥堵场景。我们提出了一个基于DRL的信号控制系统,该系统根据当前交叉点的当前拥塞状况动态调整交通信号。为了应对交叉路口后面的道路上的拥堵,我们使用重新穿线技术来加载道路网络上的车辆。为了实现拟议方法的实际好处,我们分解了数据筒仓,并将所有来自传感器,探测器,车辆和道路结合使用的数据结合起来,以实现可持续的结果。我们使用Sumo微型模拟器进行模拟。我们提出的方法的重要性从结果中体现出来。
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Ever since the first microscope by Zacharias Janssen in the late 16th century, scientists have been inventing new types of microscopes for various tasks. Inventing a novel architecture demands years, if not decades, worth of scientific experience and creativity. In this work, we introduce Differentiable Microscopy ($\partial\mu$), a deep learning-based design paradigm, to aid scientists design new interpretable microscope architectures. Differentiable microscopy first models a common physics-based optical system however with trainable optical elements at key locations on the optical path. Using pre-acquired data, we then train the model end-to-end for a task of interest. The learnt design proposal can then be simplified by interpreting the learnt optical elements. As a first demonstration, based on the optical 4-$f$ system, we present an all-optical quantitative phase microscope (QPM) design that requires no computational post-reconstruction. A follow-up literature survey suggested that the learnt architecture is similar to the generalized phase contrast method developed two decades ago. Our extensive experiments on multiple datasets that include biological samples show that our learnt all-optical QPM designs consistently outperform existing methods. We experimentally verify the functionality of the optical 4-$f$ system based QPM design using a spatial light modulator. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that similar results can be achieved by an uninterpretable learning based method, namely diffractive deep neural networks (D2NN). The proposed differentiable microscopy framework supplements the creative process of designing new optical systems and would perhaps lead to unconventional but better optical designs.
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人工神经网络(ANN)能够学习,纠正错误和将大量原始数据转化为治疗和护理的有用医疗决策,这增加了增强患者安全和护理质量的普及。因此,本文审查了ANN的关键作用为患者医疗保健决策提供有价值的见解和有效的疾病诊断。我们彻底审查了现有文献中的不同类型的ANN,以便为复杂应用程序进行高级ANNS适配。此外,我们还调查Ann的各种疾病诊断和治疗的进步,例如病毒,皮肤,癌症和Covid-19。此外,我们提出了一种名为ConxNet的新型深度卷积神经网络(CNN)模型,用于提高Covid-19疾病的检测准确性。 ConxNet经过培训并使用不同的数据集进行测试,它达到了超过97%的检测精度和精度,这明显优于现有型号。最后,我们突出了未来的研究方向和挑战,例如算法的复杂性,可用数据,隐私和安全性,以及与ANN的生物传染集成。这些研究方向需要大幅关注改善医疗诊断和治疗应用的ANN的范围。
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